• DPS Open Summer Sites, where all folks age 1-18 years can pick up breakfast and lunch, will be listed here soon!

    Our partners at the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) also want you to know some families may be eligible for SUN Bucks this summer. Click here to learn more.

  • Summer Meals 2024 Cover Letter and Site Applications are available now! Download everything you need to know right here!

    Schools must submit applications by March 15, 2024. Community sites must participate in at least one training, and submit their application no later than Friday April 26, 2024!

DPS Summer Meals Program

  • National Assistant Principals Week


    Free summer meals are available to all children in Durham at some schools and community sites.  Site locations vary each year.  Text FOOD or COMIDA to 304-304 during the summer months to find a site near you with free meals for kids.  For a map of summer meal sites and directions, visit: Durham Area Food Resources Locator (arcgis.com)


    Would you like to help feed kids this summer?

    If you are a community-based organization or faith-based organization, you may be eligible to become a meal site for the DPS Summer Meals Program! The summer meals program is a USDA program that ensures that children ages 1-18 continue to receive nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and snacks during long school vacations when they do not have access to school meals. The DPS Summer Meals Program will be from June 17 through July 26, 2024.

    How it works

    • Durham Public Schools School Nutrition Services prepares breakfasts and lunches, and sites either pick up meals or have them delivered (minimum delivery requirement: 26 or more children participating in the meal program per day).
    • Sites are responsible for providing a space for children to eat, distributing the food, and cleaning up afterward.
    • Sites determine whether to serve breakfast or lunch or both.
    • Sites can determine how many days and weeks out of the summer they would like to operate as a site.

    How do I sign up?

    All sites have to:

    • Complete a site application 
    • Supervising staff must undergo criminal background checks
    • Supervising staff must attend a mandatory training class


    For more information please contact Sky Harris, DPS School Nutrition Program Specialist at 919-560-2370 or linda.harris@dpsnc.net.


  • For interested community partners and school administrators running school-based summer programs, you can find answers to lots of questions in our Summer Food Service Program FAQ located here.


    Fresh Fruit