• Program Responsibilities

    Students will be accepted for placement in the Durham Public Schools only if the exchange organization has met the standards established by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET).

    The sponsoring organization will:

    • Show evidence that the organization has a representative based in Durham County.
    • Show evidence that the prospective exchange student has fulfilled the requirements for entry into the United States on a J-1 visa.
    • Assume financial responsibility for the exchange student.
    • Inform the student of the policies of the Durham Public School System by the time of the student’s acceptance by the foreign exchange agency.
    • Recruit and orient the host family.  DPS will not be responsible for recruiting host families.
    • Prior to the student’s entry into the United States, secure written permission through the Office of Student Assignment for the student to enroll in the Durham Public Schools.


    Requirements for Acceptance

    1. The exchange organization must meet CSIET standards.
    2. The student application must be submitted by August 1 to be considered for a first semester or year-long enrollment, and by December 1 for a second semester enrollment.
    3. The student must meet eligibility requirements for enrollment in a North Carolina public school as set forth in G.S. 115C-364.
    4. The student must be eligible for enrollment in grades 11 or 12 and be between 16-19 years old; and not have graduated in their own country.
    5. The student must be a minimum of 16 years of age.
    6. The student must be proficient in English and require no special language assistance.
    7. The student will not be eligible to graduate or receive a diploma from DPS.
    8. The student must agree to abide by the DPS rules, policies, and regulations that govern other students.
    9. The student must present documentation of:
    • Acceptable academic achievement.
    • Accident and medical insurance.
    •  A recent physical exam.
    •  Required immunizations.


    Placement of Students

    The Office of Student Assignment will deny or accept an exchange student for placement at a DPS school based on the following criteria:

    1. The address of the host family.
    2. The availability of space in the school: Four seats per traditional high school, one seat at Durham School of the Arts (DSA) and one seat at The School for Creative Studies (SCS). Please note that the host family must have a student enrolled at DSA or SCS.
    3. The number of exchange students assigned to the school.
    4. The student cannot transfer from the assigned school.