We Love Our School!

  • Forest View Elementary School's families love their school. They love the diversity that reflects the world and will position their children for life in a global economy. They love the dedicated and motivated teachers who go the extra mile to make learning come alive for their child. They love the garden-filled campus, the bright classrooms, and the many family events. They love the administrators who support the teachers and listen to the parents. And most of all they love that their children are blessed with this wonderful environment of learning, fun and friends.

    Below are some testimonials from Forest View Elementary School families:

    "As I send my oldest off to middle school next year, I feel she is 100 percent prepared to be successful in the next phase."

    Forest View has provided so much warmth and opportunity for our kids to grow. When we toured the school the first time we felt a strong sense of community. The hallways were decorated with encouraging messages of diversity, inclusion, character values, and creativity. At Forest View our two children were able to get involved with so many enriching programs from the multicultural festival and science share to newspaper club, Piedmont Wildlife after school, Duke's FEMMES girls STEM program. Battle of the Books, and Odyssey of the Mind. As I send my oldest off to middle school next year, I feel she is 100 percent prepared to be successful in the next phase. At a time when public schools are under supported, Forest View has done so much with what they have -- simply because the parents, teachers and administrators really care. 

    Jeannine & Mas Sato, parents of two children at Forest View

     "The staff’s commitment to excellence..."

    Forest View Elementary represents an amazing microcosm of our world, full of diversity of experiences and backgrounds.  The faculty and staff are excellent educators who seek to create a tailored environment that meets each child’s individual learning strengths and needs.  Children at Forest View are given an opportunity to learn about the world in a place which is safe, nurturing and designed to develop the student as a total person.  There are numerous opportunities for parents and families to partner in their child’s development, from the annual Multicultural Night to the Forest View Fall Fest and beyond -  our involvement at Forest View has deepened our love for our community in Durham. The staff’s commitment to excellence ensures that the students are being built into young people who will make a difference in this community for many years to come.  

    Tracy and Zack Mansfield, parents of two Forest View students


    “We are so fortunate to be a part of the Forest View community.”

    We moved to Durham 10 years ago, after my husband received a faculty appointment at Duke. As we anxiously looked over our school options, our new neighbors told us that Forest View was our best choice. 11 "child years" of school experience later, I have only affection for the school that has become our children's community and refuge. My two older children, both Forest View graduates, are in private schools where their skills in math and writing are easily above those of their peers. My older son participates in math competitions and my daughter excels in science. Our youngest son is entering 2nd grade, and he takes such pride in "his school." He is a confident reader, a proud manipulator of numbers, and surprisingly agile with a computer. Forest View's principal, Lisa Napp, is approachable and truly committed to the school and I believe she knew every child by the end of the year! We are so fortunate to be a part of the Forest View community.

    Jane Bahnson, parent of 3 Forest View students


    “.. our child has blossomed in this nurturing place.”

    We have been very happy at Forest View Elementary School. We opted out of our local school in Southwest Durham to attend Forest View because of the school’s international flavor and welcoming environment. Once we were there we found excellent teachers and accessible administrators. Our oldest child has blossomed in this nurturing place. He loves his teachers, is being challenged by his curriculum, and has a variety of friends. While we don’t put a lot of stock in standardized testing, he is testing above grade level and is prepared for middle school. Our experience was so positive we didn’t hesitate to have his two younger siblings join him at Forest View. Parent involvement, key to any school’s success, is good and is open to all. We’ve made a lot of friends while volunteering at Forest View.

    Geoff Dunkak & Debra Brazzel, parents of 3 Forest View students


    “I cannot imagine another school doing a better job...”

    When searching for a high performing school that embraced diversity, my husband and I found Forest View Elementary. This school epitomizes all that is right with Durham Public Schools. A committed, highly professional staff, dedicated, involved parents and intelligent, eager students have all combined to create a truly unique learning environment. We had the opportunity to place our children in another school, but I cannot imagine another school doing a better job in educating our three children. From the AIG program to the School Clubs, Media Center and in class learning, we could not be happier with all that Forest View has to offer.

    Hassan & Meleata Pinto, parents of 3 Forest View students


    “..thrilled with the diversity...”

    Our daughter is in second grade at Forest View. We have been thrilled with the diversity, the incredible teaching staff and all the wonderful programs Forest View has to offer.

    Tom and Aimee Meyer (past PTA President), parents of two Forest View students


    “What a way to start an Elementary education!”

    The strength of Forest View is the talented teaching staff. Our daughter started her Forest View career with an amazing Kindergarten teacher that came up with an ongoing project to sell the students' art to raise money for victims of the Tsunami through Project Life Boat. I watched in awe as those kindergarten students proudly worked on paintings and came to the realization that people in India needed their help. After raising enough money to fund 3 fishing boats, the students learned that even a group of young kids can make a difference in the world. What a way to start an Elementary education!

    Michael-Anne & Bill Ashman, parents of a 3rd grader


    “We came to Forest View in 1998...”

    We came to Forest View in 1998, and the graduation of our fifth and last alumnus this spring will be hard for us. Forest View has been an important part of our lives for a decade, and one of the best. Our kids have had some wonderful teachers, learned a lot and - most importantly - on the whole they have loved going to school. What is more, we have liked visiting, volunteering, and taking part in the life of what is a community not in name only. At 19, our kids still try hard to come back, at least for Fall Festival, whenever they can - a level of alumni interest to which colleges aspire...

    Shelli and Ronen Plesser - parents of 4 (soon 5) Forest View alumni


    “All of our childrens' educational needs were met.”

    We have 2 children at Forest View and have had 2 other children go through the school. Our oldest daughter went through Forest View and went to Triangle Day School (TDS), where she earned the Mathematics Award this past year. She will be attending Jordan HS this fall. Our son currently attends TDS and was named a TIP scholar for mathematics, which will result in him taking the SATs as a 7th grader and studying at Duke. Our other daughter is a rising 4th grader at Forest View. She is epileptic and has had academic difficulties due to the nature of her epilepsy. However, in no small measure due to the attention and diligence of her 2nd and 3rd grade teachers and the other fine staff at Forest View, the disease was identified early, her doctors were able to stabilize her medications, she has a learning plan tailored to her needs and her schoolwork is coming back where we would expect her to be. Our youngest son will attend Forest View as a kindergartner this year. The point of the biographies above is that we have both very bright and special needs kids in Forest View. All of their educational needs were met. This does NOT happen by accident."

    Dave Van Wagener - parents of 4 Forest View students.


    “Forest View parent for more than 10 years.”

    We've been Forest View parents for more than 10 years— 2 children are graduates and one child is a current student. Forest View has always been a wonderful, warm, welcoming, exciting and creative place. I feel lucky that our whole family has been able to grow up in this mutlticultural community that is a microcosm of the real world in terms of economic, racial, religious, cultural and ethnic diversity. At Forest View, your kids not only learn from great teachers, but they also get to learn from all of the different kinds of children around them in the classroom each day. It is a foundation that will last them a lifetime.

    Wendy Jacobs - parent of 4 Forest View students.