The Social Studies Department is dedicated to providing students opportunities to engage with past events, current issues, and philosophical questions that develop critical thinking skills. Social Studies courses at Jordan High School are designed to foster the fine-tuning of students’ reading, writing, and inquiry skills. Vigorous discussion is encouraged as students analyze evidence and arguments in a wide range of core classes and electives. All students will take World History, American History, Civics and Economics, and Personal Finance. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to take electives in a variety of subjects, such as Sociology, Women’s Studies, World Religions, Human Geography, and Psychology. At the end of the year, the department awards exemplary students in the senior class with the following awards:
- The Pauli Murray Award for Excellence in Social Studies
- The W.E.B. DuBois Award for Academic Excellence
- The Ida B. Wells Award for Excellence in Writing
- The Ella Baker Award for Critical Engagement in Social Studies
- The Dolores Huerta Award for Civic Engagement and Community Building