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  • Items Not Allowed In School

    • Electronic devices such as phones, handheld video games, MP3 players, etc.
    • Pagers
    • Lasers pens or toys that are a disruption to the learning environment

    Students are not allowed to have these items in school during school hours or during school activities. Any items that are confiscated will be returned to your parents. All items brought to school should be part of the class/school instructional curriculum. Cellular phones are allowed only if they are not seen or heard during the course of the school day. iPods are allowed only with the express written request from a teacher.

    Mobile Phone Policy

    Students are allowed to bring cell phones to school. They are not allowed to be out for any reason during the school day. Students are to store phones in their lockers in the morning before reporting to class and can retrieve their phones at the end of the school day.

    If a student is caught with a phone during the school day, it will be confiscated and turned in to the student's grade level administrator. The administrator will call the parent to inform them of the situation, and the parent will have to retrieve the phone from school.


    Students caught with cell phones during the school day:

    • First Offense: Phone is taken away and turned in to grade level administrator. Parent is called and must pick up the phone from the school.
    • Second Offense: Phone is taken away and turned in to grade level administrator. Parent is called and must pick up the phone from the school.
    • Additional Offenses: Phone is taken away and turned in to grade level administrator. Parent is called and must pick up the phone from the school. A student may face further consequences from administrator including in-school or out of school suspension.

    A student taking and/or distributing pictures or videos

    Due to the privacy rights of all students and faculty, no student shall take and/or distribute any picture or video at any time while at Rogers-Herr Middle School. This includes before, during, and after school on the school campus, on school-sponsored field trips, during school-sponsored athletic events, and during school-sponsored dances.

    Failure to comply will result in an immediate discipline referral to administration and may result in in-school or out of school suspension.