Durham County Library - Free Resources from Home
Students at Y. E. Smith Elementary and other DPS schools have access to online digital resources through the Durham County Library. Your child can access these resources at home or school by using his/her NCedCloud school account number. This NCedCloud number is the same as your child's student ID number.
To create your child's public library account, go to https://durhamcountylibrary.org/login/ .
Click on "Log In."
Each student's Username is his/her NCedCloud/student ID#.
The PIN is the last 4 digits in the NCedCloud #.
For instance, if my NCedCloud # is 1234567890,
my username is 1234567890 and my PIN is 7890.
If you have additional questions, click on "Get a Card" and select "Bull City Slam" (student accounts).
Once you have logged in, click on the "DCO" icon, and after it links you to the next page, click on "Kids and Teens" to access kid-friendly products.
If you need your child's NCedCloud #, please email your child's teacher.