• Hillandale Hurricanes

    Results focused.  Data-informed.  Student-driven.


    Our mission is to empower learners to excel in the academic and social skills required to be leaders in our community.

    Hillandale's 2024-2025 School Improvement Team members are:

    • Michael Bloom, Principal
    • Danielle Howard, AP
    • Christie Masinick, SIT Chair
    • Awanya Reid, PreK Teacher
    • Shaniqua Cates, 1st Grade Teacher
    • Julie Keeton, 2nd Grade Teacher
    • Kaitlin Burris, 3rd Grade Teacher
    • Tyler McDougald, 5th Grade Teacher
    • Dena Byers, Specialist Teacher
    • Amy Drew, AIG Specialist
    • Ellen Freeman, EC Teacher
    • Veronica Hsu, ESL Teacher
    • Sarah Johnson, Counselor
    • DeCosto Lawson, Family and Community Liaison
    • Joy Moffett, AIG Specialist
    • Susan Parent, Instructional Coach
    • Henrietta Scott, Instructional Coach
    • Abigail Sylvester, Parent

    School Improvement Goals:

      SIP Goal #1 - By June 2024, Hillandale will see a decrease in Educator’s Handbook incident reports by 10% (307 Office Referrals).

      SIP Goal #2 - Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, PLC’s will continue to meet weekly at least 80% of the year to use data for planning future instruction, differentiation needs, and common assessments based on established team structure and duties within PLC, as tracked by the PLC feedback survey. 


      SIP Goal #3 - By June 2024, 100% of teachers will engage in using data informed, student driven instruction with supportive professional development opportunities to advance student achievement, as measured by Hillandale’s composite proficiency score reaching 60% according to EOG results (grades 3-5) and mClass results (K-2).


      SIP Goal #4 - By June 2024, Hillandale Elementary will engage with 75% of parents/guardians to engage in a school event related to their child/ren as measured by family or parent attendance.

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