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    Gr Team English Language Arts Math Science Social Studies
    6 Navigators Curry, Jennifer Braynt, Nicole Briggs, Karen Voorhees, Scott
    6 Voyagers Trapp, Takesha McMillion, Catherine Sherman, Jennifer Bailey, Ezekiel
    7 Pathfinders Glass, Nikia Cisneros, Mirella Bounds, William Ross, Whitney
    7 Pioneers Ambrose, Madison Majmudar, Heetal Graves, Karis Balde, Caren
    8 Dreamseekers Robinson, Keaundra Musick, Melissa Herndon, Meredith Symes, Jeffrey
    8 Explorers Pugh, Amie Adams, Jasmine Schack, Andrew Carr, Addie
  • Four Core Classes

    English Language Arts

    The Language Arts curriculum teaches literacy (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) through activities that integrate many types of literature. The activities are differentiated to challenge each student at his or her own level.

    Students who are identified as English Language Learners (ELLs) or Limited English Proficient (LEP) are served via Sheltered Language Arts classes, a Discovery class, and co-teaching in 8th grade Science.

    Language Arts Curriculum Standards & more:
    Language Arts Resources page »


    Mathematics instruction at RHMS continues the Common Core State Standards as well as the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice. Middle School Strands include Ratios and Proportional Reasoning; The Number System; Expressions and Equations; Geometry; Statistics and Probability; and Functions.

    Math Curriculum Standards & more:
    Math Resources page »


    Science at RHMS continues the exploration of skills and concepts that began at in elementary school. Balanced coverage is given to such broad areas of science as living things, matter, energy, space exploration and ecology.

    Science Curriculum Standards & more:
    Science Resources page »

    Social Studies

    Our Social Studies curriculum is designed to help all our students acquire the knowledge, understanding, and skills they need to be informed, active citizens in the 21st Century. The five organizational strands of the social studies program — history, geography, civics & government, economics & financial literacy, and culture — are addressed with increasing rigor and relevance at each grade level.

    Social Studies Curriculum Standards & more:
    Social Studies Resources page »

  • About Our School Day

    The school day at RHMS consists of:

    Each grade level is divided into two academic teams. The teams are divided in turn among four core classrooms. Each student rotates through those four core classes every day. The schedule of core classes and electives varies by grade.