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Our Stories

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We have one of the best teachers, educators, staff and parents. Mr. Hunt and his administration team are great and are up to date with everything. Also, Glenn has a variety of kids who speak different languages and we have so many bilingual teachers.

Photo of Michelle H.'s son
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My students and I do multiplication drill worksheets during transitions around the school. Their goal is to beat me and answer their 100 facts before I answer mine. Some have actually done it, and they will tell me things like “I ’ve been practicing all week. I ’m coming for you today. I ’m going to destroy you.”They ’re pumped and excited to practice multiplication!

Headshot of Sean M
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My favorite memory is one of working with a fifth-grade student who lost his older brother and struggled to read independently. He was a gentle spirit who carried heavy grief and wanted to learn to read and write before middle school. We met daily. Some days we got straight to work, others he shared his pain and stories of his brother. After four months of reading instruction, he read his first book independently. When he finished, he looked at me and said, “I did that! I just read a book by myself!”I smiled and asked, “How did that feel?”His smile was like the sun as he paused and then, softly replied with one word …“Great.”The children are brave, hard-working, and have a vision for themselves. We are the privileged partners on their paths.

Headshot of Erin C
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The teachers are exceptional.

Photo of Sandra O.'s son riding a bike
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I have had the privilege to work in several schools in DPS and there is no place like Glenn. The diversity of the students, families, and staff and the exceptional talent, quality, and commitment of the teachers makes this the best team I have ever been a part of. We are proud of our many accomplishments over the past two years, but we are more proud of the students who have shown exceptional growth and development and make every day at Glenn uncommon.

Headshot of Kate H.
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My favorite memory is seeing both of my children hold hands, and enter school together. I cried tears of joy, I know they were safe and will learn alot at Glenn Elementary school.

Photo of Sierra J.'s sons
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They care they help the kids every day &every chance they get plus they go above and beyond for each child.

Photo of Deja M. and her daughter
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The teachers are very kind, they help our children a lot.

Photo of Erika R.'s son at school
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When my son was having some behavioral and emotional challenges stemming from then-undiagnosed ADHD, we never felt judged or shamed. All communication came from a place of wanting to help, which was a true gift.

Photo of Genevieve D.'s son at school
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The families and teachers here have a lot of pride in the community, demonstrated by their care for each other and relentless pursuit of excellence. Teachers at Glenn go out of their way daily to engage families and meet their students needs.

Headshot of Elizabeth J.
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Glenn is more than just a building; it is community where teachers and students are encouraged to grow. Glenn is place where administrators trust and believe in their teachers and teachers believe in the potential of their students. Glenn is a place where diversity is not only acknowledged but also valued and celebrated. Most importantly, Glenn is a family that will show their unconditional support to their members. For these and many other reasons, I love Glenn!

Headshot of Luz Fugon
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Glenn is unique because of the people. I believe it ’s one thing to talk about equity, and it ’s another to be able to truly provide equity. At Glenn, we are able to do just that. We are able to provide this because we have highly creative, highly intelligent, and highly qualified educators. They are the very best in Durham. We are convicted by the belief that providing a life-changing, educational experience means maintaining a disposition of continuous research and refinement.

Photo of Rachael Horne in a classroom