Parent Guide to Assessments in DPS

  • Below are the links to our current resources outlining the various assessments administered within DPS: 


    Your school test coordinator (or other teacher/staff member) is always your first point of contact when you have questions about assessments at your child's school. This includes questions related to participation in a particular assessment. As an additional reference, the table below shows which DPS departments manage the various assessments at a district level. 



    Beginning of Grade 3, Read-to-Achieve, End-of-Grade, End-of-Course, College Career Readiness Alternate Assessment, Extend 1, ACT, PreACT, WorkKeys, ACCESS for ELs, Benchmarks

    Office of Assessments

    PSAT, Advanced Placement (AP), CogAT

    Office of Advanced Academics

    mClass, Reading Plus, Common District Assessments (CDAs)

    Curriculum and Instruction

    iReady, Reading Plus, Panorama

    Student Support Services

    CDAs, SAT

    Individual Schools