Student Discipline and Behavior Support

  • We have a team of Behavior Support Assistants and Technicians who provide services to students and school staff throughout the district, one permanently serving New Directions Center.
    As of 2018-19, please note that there is a new MTSS requirement. All-District BSA referrals must be reviewed in MTSS (or another problem-solving team committee) at least twice before being referred for District BSA support. MTSS meeting dates and minutes in which the specific student information was reviewed must be submitted with the other required documentation.
    If you would like to discuss a referral or get more information about the program, please contact Kendra Suggs-Shealey, District Intervention & Support Coordinator at

    The Discipline Supervisor ensures that the implementation of the District’s policies concerning discipline is fair and equitable.

    Discipline Supervisor:
    Melissa A. Watson, Ed. D.
    Director, Student Alternatives & Supports

    808 Bacon Street
    Durham, NC 27703
    919-560-2505 Ext. 26802
  • Alternative to Suspension Programming

    A student, in grades K-12, who has infractions at levels I, II or III where a progressive disciplinary response has been exhausted and a short-term suspension (6-10 days) or a long-term suspension is being recommended, may be referred through the DPS referral process to an Alternative to Suspension Community Provider for the following:

    Code of Conduct infraction areas:

    1. Bullying

    2. DEAC (Drug Education and Counseling)

    3. Fighting

    4. GEAC (Gang Education and Counseling)

    5. Sexual Misconduct

    6. Theft

    Providers are best suited for students who have not responded as desired to those in-school interventions and/or when misconduct is egregious.

    If you would like to discuss a referral or get more information about the various programs, please contact Kendra Suggs-Shealey, District Intervention & Support Coordinator at  


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