
    Durham Public Schools embraces, educates, and empowers every student to innovate, serve, and lead.


    Durham Public Schools: Igniting Limitless Potential

    Core Beliefs

    We believe in:

    • Equity: Our students and schools deserve equitable access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. Durham Public Schools and the community must distribute those resources in a manner that eliminates inequities.
    • Shared Responsibility: Durham Public Schools must be intentional in acting collaboratively and involving all stakeholders, ensuring that our community utilizes its collective resources to support every child. The Durham community shares responsibility with DPS for the success of our children.
    • High Expectations: Durham Public Schools will challenge every stakeholder, especially our students and educators, to embrace a growth mindset: the belief that every child can be academically successful. It is our expectation that all of our students will excel globally and reach their highest potential.
    • A Child-centered Approach: Our students deserve an education that is caring, is culturally responsive and embraces the whole child. Durham Public Schools will address the social, emotional, and academic needs of each student.

  • Theory of Action

    If the Durham community shares responsibility in the investment of every child using a holistic approach, then we will ensure that resources and opportunities are informed by equity and that we are intentional about setting high expectations for all stakeholders in their role in educating the whole child, as we support and increase the capacity of administrators, teachers, staff, and parents so that they are equipped to support and develop efficacy in instruction and student learning.