Read to Achieve

  • Read to Achieve is a part of the Excellent Public Schools Act which became law in July of 2012 and applies to all schools at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. 

    The goal of the State is to ensure that every student read at or above grade level at the end of third grade and continue to progress in reading proficiency so that he or she can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex text when needed for secondary education and career success.

    North Carolina Read to Achieve at a Glance:

    The Read to Achieve Program is a part of the Excellence Public Schools Act which became law in July of 2012. It applies to all schools at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. 

    Seven Components of Read to Achieve

    1. Comprehensive Plan for Reading Achievement Process
    2. Developmental Screening and Kindergarten Entry Assessment Process
    3. Facilitating Early Grade Reading Proficiency Process
    4. Elimination of Social Promotion Process
    5. Successful Reading Development for Retained Students Process
    6. Notification Requirements to Parents and Guardians Process
    7. Accountability Measures Process

    State of North Carolina Comprehensive Reading Plan

    In July of 2012, the North Carolina General Assembly passed the 2012 budget act, House Bill 950/S.L. 2012-142 Section 7A, which included the Read to Achieve program as part of the Excellent Public Schools Act. One component of the program was the development, implementation and continuous evaluation of a comprehensive plan to improve reading achievement in the public schools of North Carolina. According to the law, “the plan shall be based on reading instructional practices with strong evidence of effectiveness in current empirical research in reading development.” 

    The North Carolina State Board of Education adopted a State Literacy Plan in April of 2012. The document provides a consistent voice with which to address literacy challenges in the state and provides a plan for focused support from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for all state initiatives.