Air Force Junior ROTC

  • AFJROTC Reference Guide


    AFJROTC students are engaged in two periods per week of academic instruction, two periods per week of military drills and leadership development, and one period a week of physical fitness. Students will have the opportunity to visit military installations and facilities to observe military operations and life first hand. They may also be able to take orientation flights aboard military aircraft. AFJROTC units will perform color guard and drill demonstrations at school and community events.

    After graduation, students with three years of AFJROTC who qualify to serve in the military will be offered these opportunities:

    1. They may enlist in one of the Armed Forces in an advanced grade.
    2. They may have the first year of college ROTC waived upon request.
    3. They may compete for a four year ROTC scholarship with paid tuition, fees and books. The scholarship includes a tax free stipend each month for the scholarship recipient.


    Aerospace Science I

    Prerequisite: Approval by Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI)

    Cadets explore the subject of aviation from ancient times until present day, to include rocketry, astronomy and space exploration. The leadership portion of this course includes topics pertaining to AFJROTC organization, Air Force traditions and customs, citizenship, and character development. In addition, cadets learn about and practice drill and ceremonies. Character building and physical fitness are important aspects of this course. Cadets also learn about substance abuse, CPR, first aid and techniques for stress reduction and weight management.


    Aerospace Science II and Aerospace Science III

    Prerequisite: Approval by Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI)

    The subject matter taught in the Aerospace Science portion of the curriculum will rotate between three different subject areas: Science of Flight, Space Exploration and Global/Cultural Awareness

    Science of Flight: Topics include the atmospheric environment, human requirements of flight, the physics of flight, and basic navigation methods.

    Space Exploration: Topics include history of astronomy and space flight, the solar system, space exploration and technology, manned and unmanned flights, space missions and various types of space vehicles.

    Global/Cultural Awareness: Topics include historical, geographic, religious, ethnic, economic and political issues that have shaped and continue to impact the six major regions of the world.